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🗼 Remote Ham Radio

Get on the air from anywhere! · Since 2010

For over a decade, RHR has made amateur radio more accessible than ever. For operators who can't build their own stations because they are limited by cost, age, or location, RHR brings world-class, contest-winning stations to their fingertips.

As the CTO and sole developer of RHR, I have developed and managed the entire stack – from hardware to software, frontend to backend, infrastructure to deployments.

The backend is a combination of Ruby on Rails and Phoenix, with Vue.js on the frontend. Each of the 40+ remote stations has a Raspberry Pi controlling local hardware via Ruby and Go. WebSockets and WebRTC tie everything together.

Remote Ham Radio

🐐 SOTA Goat

An iOS app for the Summits On The Air · Since 2010

One aspect of amateur radio I have enjoyed is Summits On The Air (SOTA), a semi-competitive program that awards points to operators who hike up to mountaintops with their radio gear, and to the hams at home who make contacts with them.

SOTA Goat contains an offline copy of the the entire world database of summits, and enables the browsing and posting of activation alerts from SOTAwatch. For hikers, GPS tracking can determine if they are officially in the summit's "activation zone".


💪 Bodyguard

A simple, flexible authorization library for Elixir · Since 2016

Back when I started with Elixir and Phoenix, I was still heavily influenced by years of prior development in Rails. So, I wrote a Pundit-style authorization library to help ease that transition. It's diverged slightly from that original vision, but it remains a popular addition to many Phoenix applications, with over 2 million downloads and counting.

Source Hex package Hexdocs

🎙️ Does Not Compute

A weekly development podcast · 2020-2022

I joined DNC partway through its run and recorded ~150 weekly episodes with my pal Sean Washington. Show topics revolved around web app development: tools, tech, productivity, small business strategies, and occasional guests.

The show is on indefinite hiatus. We'd like to bring it back when we find the motivation.


🌐 schrockwell.com

You are here · Since 2024

Introductory post

✈️ Flying

Private pilot · Since 2018

📻 Amateur Radio

WW1X · Extra Class license · Since 2010

WW1X.com Hams.at QRZ.com profile YouTube videos

🌪️ 🚗 Storm Chasing


I've gone chasing with Silver Lining Tours a couple times, did some chasecations of my own, and spent the summer of 2009 interning with the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, OK.

The Suck Zone (blog)